Pilot Path

Project Overview


Improve the business from a bookings point of view but also to improve the brand and how externally it's perceived.

Improve the Website User Experience

We weren't happy when taking over the website looking at the amount of broken links, flat pages and basic formatting throughout. We felt this was effecting the registrations.

Create Successful PPC Account

Good keyword research, better business structure and bid management to deliver a regular set of new pilots for the business.

Redesign Website

After 6 months of positive results we broke down the benefits of a website redesign. With a large focus on SEO, more information/interactive elements and a multisite structure.

Create Multisite

This was a significant and hugely positive enhancement for Pilot Path. The simple explanation is to display a different website to their different audiences nationally. Which are the UK, Ireland and the USA.

Improve the Website User Experience

The website needed to improve the way it presents information. Flying is such an amazing experience and to sell the journey of becoming a pilot the website needs to demonstrate this.

Budgets are tight with SMEs so to really do this in a cost-effective way we only took the money pages and enhanced them. Some of the examples of what we did was integrated a video slider on the homepage showcasing the flight experience (rather than uninspiring landscape stock images). We also created urgency in sales periods with countdown timers and better display of information with counters and interactive text areas. One of our biggest issues was the amount of dead pages and broken links. A site clean-up took a run with our software and cleaned up navigation across the board. Lastly, we maximised CTA space and reduced blocky none converting space throughout.

Before and After


Create Successful PPC Account

The previous management of the account was disjointed and not taking into account the nature of the business (PPC structure needs to match the business needs not the agency or account user).

The success we had here to date is segmentation and geo-targeting near training sites. We first drastically reduced spend by excluding areas across the countries. Then segmented the types of training using bid managed and profit margins to define what should be spent where. Previously the business was told they couldn’t do better in regards to their account. Right now the bottom line conversions have increased by 4x year on year.

The Impact

PPC restructure was in Q4. What we did initally was cut the spend by 70% which of course reduced the number of clicks but the main metric saw a small decrease in conversions. In addition in those conversions, the quality of those leads exceeded those in previous months (this is because enquiries were coming from locations not near the training centres and had a low take-up rate). The introduction of the new site and multisite saw the PPC account take off with the spend matching previous amounts leading to at least 4x conversions each month compared to the year on year data.

Redesign Website

With the success of the UX changes earlier in the year. We redesigned the site away from some standard colour changes the rebuild had a strong focus on SEO and better CTAs.

Viewing the old and new website slider below gives you an idea of some of the drastic changes within the redesign. However with keyword research, faqs and more focus on relevant call to actions throughout the website. The new build has been functioning on a whole new level. The main improvement is the level of relevant traffic to the website and the fact conversions have significantly increased in recent months.

Old and New Website


Create a Multisite

Creating multiple websites allowing Pilot Path’s offerings to be optimised for Irish, American and British markets. 

Something identified as a huge SEO and lead generation benefit we set out to create a multisite build when redesigning the site. The short is depending on whether you are coming from the UK, Ireland or the USA. You’ll be presented the relevant via your geo IP. The results have been significant for the business allowing them to personalise and localise for the market. Increasing leads and traffic as a result.

Results and How It Works

By having different sub directories i.e. PP/uk or PP/ie it allows everything to be personalised. Areas like pricing, contact details and certain national details are applied to each site. As a result enquiries, traffic and conversions are at an all-time high.

The Results

2024 has become a recording breaking year already surpassing their businesses results but the end of the 2nd quarter


Enquiries year on year


Bounce rate has improved dramatically since enhancements to the site


Savings of paid spend whilst delivering better results